What You Must Know About How To Prevent Acne Scars

What You Must Know About How To Prevent Acne Scars

The Cause of Acne ScarringAcne scars are most often the product of an inflamed lesion, such as a papule, pustule, or cyst. Inflamed blemishes occur when the follicle, or pore, becomes engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. The pore swells, causing a break in the follicle wall.

Acne is usually a temporary problem even if the treatment and maintenance takes time as it is in case of severe hormonal acne, body acne or chronic acne. Acne scars can be permanent. Acne scars result from inflamed pimples (papule and pustule) or cysts. When the blemish becomes encouraged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria that causes further inflammation – the pore swells causing the brake in the follicle wall. To repair the damage done to the dermis, the skin forms new collagen fibers. Collagen is the fibrous protein that gives the skin its strength and flexibility. Unfortunately, the finished "repair job" never looks as smooth and flawless as before the injury”. The best way to avoid acne scars is to prevent them by healing and PREVENTING acne from coming and reoccurring. Also remember- the bigger the blemishes the larger probability for scaring so treating acne as early as possible is essential. This is what AcnEase does- TREATS AND PREVENTS acne.

Types of Acne Scars

Generally, acne scars fall into two categories: those caused by a loss of tissue (atrophic), and those caused by an excess of tissue (hypertrophic).

Within these categories, acne scars fall into one of four types: ice pick, boxcar, rolling and keloid scars.  This is a result of the body producing too much collagen, which creates a mass of raised tissue on the skin's surface.

More commonly, acne causes atrophic or depressed scars. Atrophic scars develop when there is a loss of tissue and this causes indentation in a skin.  This type of acne are called Ice pick scars . Ice pick scars are deep holes that are small in size that are on the surface of the skin. They are narrow, deep, and depressed and are very common, measuring 2 mm or less in length.

Often, what is taken to be an acne scar is not a true scar at all, but rather post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This temporary discoloration of the skin will eventually fade on its own. Certain treatments or creams such as Rejuvel 3D, may speed the fading time.

Acne Scar Prevention

You can't completely prevent scarring, but these steps can minimize your chance of developing acne scars:

  1. Treat Acne As Soon As It Develops: The best thing you can do is get acne under control as soon as possible. Begin treating it right away. Quick and effective treatment helps to keep breakouts to a minimum and prevents acne from developing into a more severe form.  Prevent pimples and you'll prevent scarring.
  2. Reduce Inflammation: Large and  inflamed acne blemishes are much more likely to leave scars behind than non-inflamed breakouts and blackheads. Your goal should always be to calm inflammation and avoid doing anything that will further irritate your skin. Aggressive scrubbing and harsh skin care products should be avoided.
  3. Don't Squeeze, Pop, or Pick at Pimples: Resist the temptation to pick or squeeze a pimple. Doing so can force debris deeper into the dermis, spreading an infection to other tissue and worsening inflammation. This is especially true for deep, serious blemishes like nodules and cysts. Allow the blemish to heal on its own.
  4. Don't Pick at Scabs: Picking at scabs should also be avoided. A scab is the skin's natural "bandage" which protects the wound as it heals. Picking a scab off a wound before it is ready prolongs the healing process and increases chances of scarring.
  5. Use serious and proven treatment like AcnEase to prevent  Large, Deep Breakouts or Acne Cysts: While smaller blemishes can still scar the skin, it's the big guys that usually do the damage
  6. Use topical cream to stimulate skin healing and improve its appearance

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