3 Easy Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Help Your Acne

3 Easy Ways To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Help Your Acne

It’s officially fall, and while most of the world has gone pumpkin spice crazy, we want to throw it back to some old fashioned skincare goodness to show you the healing power of apples, or more specifically, apple cider vinegar (ACV.)

When it comes to the benefits apple cider vinegar can have on acne-prone skin, the list is practically endless! It can naturally detoxify the body of harmful free radicals by flushing toxins from within, exfoliate dead skin cells on the surface, and contains manganese, which helps the body metabolize vitamins, and protects cells against damage caused by free radicals. Even digesting apple cider vinegar has its benefits, as the process produces malic acid, naturally rich in antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, which are all essential steps in fighting acne!

Now, please don’t think if you drink ACV every day that your acne is going to magically disappear.  We just want to tell you about some ways that you can use it to help your acne symptoms.

The best part about ACV? It can work to help reduce acne symptoms from the surface of the skin by preventing an inflammatory response before it happens. Acne occurs when sebum, or oil produced by the sebaceous glands, becomes clogged within a pore. When combined with dead skin cells, the pairing creates bacteria known as P. acnes, which then triggers the body to send in white blood cells to fight off the bacterial infection. This response, known as “inflammation,” results in acne symptoms on the surface of the skin, which we recognize as pimples. Containing naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acid, ACV can help exfoliate dry, dead skin cells, reducing the risk of clogged pores. Furthermore, its naturally antibacterial and antiseptic properties can help kill off bacteria that form within a clogged pore, reducing the risk of an inflammatory breakout. When combined with a systemic solution, which works to control the production of sebum, such as AcnEase, apple cider vinegar can be a key player in any combination therapy treatment against acne!

3 Easy Ways To Use ACV To Help Your Acne

There’s no doubt that apple cider vinegar can make for a wonderful supplement to any skincare routine, but how can it be used? We have three, simple ACV recipes that only take a minute to prepare, and require just a little help from a few ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen!

ACV Toner

An apple cider vinegar toner is a wonderful alternative to alcohol-rich store bought astringents that may further dry the skin. In a glass or ceramic bowl, mix one part organic, unfiltered ACV with two parts filtered water. The amount you use depends purely on how much toner you wish to create - but as fresh is always best, we recommend starting out with tablespoon measurements to create a small batch. Then dip a cotton ball or pad into the solution, and wipe all over cleansed skin, concentrating on the affected areas. Once the toner has dried, apply your regular moisturizer or sunscreen.

If you have extra mixture on hand, you can turn this toner into a spray simply by emptying into a clean spray bottle, ideal for treating stubborn body acne in hard to reach places, such as the back!

ACV Toddy Drink

Perfect for fall, an apple cider vinegar drink can help deliver essential vitamins and nutrients from within. To create, simply mix:

  • 2 Tbsp organic ACV
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey
  • 10-12 oz. water

The antibacterial properties of lemon juice, combined with the anti-inflammatory properties of organic honey will help transform that ordinary glass of water into an acne fighting solution, and can make for a great way to hydrate the body and flush the digestive system if taken first thing in the morning.

ACV Exfoliating Mask

Apple cider vinegar works well as a topical treatment as it helps the pH levels of the skin become balanced and restored, and helps prevent further damage with naturally occurring beta carotene. When combined with exfoliating baking soda, ACV can make for a wonderful mask to help slough off dead skin cells, without over drying. Simply mix equal parts ACV and baking soda until a paste-like consistency is formed. Apply to affected areas of the skin, and rinse away with warm water after about 15-20 minutes, patting the skin dry with a clean towel.

If apple cider vinegar isn’t your thing, you can also look to green tea, a natural anti inflammatory, or tea tree oil, an oil-zapping antiseptic that’s easier on the skin than typical topicals such as benzoyl peroxide.

While the many benefits of apple cider vinegar can work to reduce your acne symptoms from the surface, it's important to remember that the only way to truly fight acne is from within, by targeting the sebaceous glands. Acnease, an all-natural, herbal solution does just that, by creating a buffer between the hormones and the sebaceous glands, ensuring that only the necessary amount of sebum needed to hydrate the skin is being produced, and is designed to treat a variety of acne types, from mild to severe. With a systemic treatment like AcnEase preventing breakouts from within, and a home-remedy such as ACV keeping the surface of the skin clean from the outside, your skin has the best chance of remaining acne-free all through the fall, and then some!

What are your favorite ways to use apple cider vinegar to improve your skincare game? Have any great recipes to share? Tell us in the comments! 

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