Keeping Your Skin Breakout-Free in Extreme Winter Temperatures (Plus a Bonus DIY Toner!)

Keeping Your Skin Breakout-Free in Extreme Winter Temperatures  (Plus a Bonus DIY Toner!)

We do everything we can to keep our skin healthy. We change our skincare routines to suit the season, we try to eliminate any ingredients that may be harming our skin. We eat seasonal, organic, acne-friendly foods and remain dedicated to our acne treatment regimen. But sometimes, mother nature throws us a loop. Sometimes, the mild winter weather our skin was doing just fine in is suddenly arctic and unrelenting--and that takes its toll on our skin. Traveling from a cold destination to a warm destination can take the same toll.  

So how do we keep our skin healthy during these crazy temperatures?

Extreme Cold Weather Tips:

  • Use a richer moisturizer, one with noncomedogenic oils and always one without alcohol, salicylic acid or other drying ingredients.
  • Moisturize more often. If you're venturing outside midday and haven't applied moisturizer since earlier that morning, you may want to apply another layer for extra protection.
  • After you come back from being outside, moisturize again - this time with a lighter product and add a light circular motion massage to help the circulation disturbed by the low temperature.
  • Chances are your heat is cranked up to help you get through these cold days and nights. Make sure you're using a humidifier to put moisture back into the air, or at least place bowls of water near heat sources.
  • You should always stay hydrated with at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but during extreme temperatures, aim to drink 12 or more 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Extreme Temperature Changes for Travelers:

Going from the cold, harsh winds of one location to the hot, balmy air of another can do a number on your skin. Make sure you're prepared for both the transition and the traveling itself:

  • If you're traveling by plane, be sure to drink plenty of water and consider applying extra noncomedogenic moisturizer throughout your flight to prevent dry skin.
  • Think ahead! Make sure you pack the proper skincare products to keep your skin from suffering when you reach your new location. You may be using lots of rich moisturizer now, but your destination may require something lighter and lots of blotting sheets. Higher temperatures means your skin may be oilier.  

DIY Hydrating Anti-Acne Toner (for all skin types)

Try making this quick and easy hydrating toner which adds moisture and nourishment to the skin, and is for all skin types. 

What you need:

1/2 cup cumin seeds, 500 ml water, 1 spray bottle, 1 cotton round

How to make:

  1. Add water and cumin seeds to a pot on the stove and bring to a boil, making sure no seeds are stuck on the side and that it doesn't burn.
  2. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  3. When the water has turned brown, take the pot off the stove and let it cool.

How to use:

  1. Pour the cooled mixture into the spray bottle.
  2. Spray the liquid onto the cotton round.
  3. Apply to face.

So Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year and mother nature may be ignoring our repeated pleas to stop the bad weather. However, you can always put yourself in a tropical state of mind by trying some delicious acne-friendly cocktails (great for Valentine's Day too).


With a Promise of Clear Skin,
Dr. A 

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