Practical tips that help keeping acne under control

Practical tips that help keeping acne under control

Acne-Friendly Exercise

Quick and strenuous exercises are all the rage right now, but these types of exercises, along with too many hours spent in the gym or on the track, may not be the best option for those with acne. Instead, if you have acne-prone skin, you'll do better with moderate exercise as part of a healthy, less stressful lifestyle.

Exercise, especially intense exercise, is known to stimulate production of testosterone in both women and men. This will help you to build lean muscle mass, but it may also overstimulate your sebaceous glands, which can result in the overproduction of sebum and more clogged pores, leading to more acne breakouts. So the trick is to find a healthy balance between exercising enough to help your body destress and oxygenate, but not so much in a way that may promote inflammation and hormonal imbalances, which may lead to a worsening of your acne.

1. Yoga

Yoga is perfect for de-stressing because it is both exercise and meditation. People have been practicing yoga and reaping its long list of mental and physical benefits for thousands of years.

There are many styles of yoga, including the intense "hot" yoga, which causes profuse sweating and is quite popular right now. A good style of yoga for those with acne-prone skin might be Sivananda, which is gentle, holistic, and focuses on breathing, meditation, and relaxation.

2. Pilates

Pilates is a group of exercises that helps you to condition your body in way that enables toning, strength building (especially core strength), flexibility, balance, and body realignment. There are five principles of Pilates: breath, concentration, flow, control, and precision. In practicing Pilates, you will learn to put these principles into practice both during exercise and in your everyday life.

3. Qigong

Qigong, too, is a meditative practice that has been around for thousands of years. It focuses on the mind-body connection and will help you to take control of your physical, mental and emotional health. It focuses on aligning breathing, movement, and awareness.

Probably the best way to get acquainted with the above forms of exercise is taking a few classes. There are also free resources online that may help you take advantage of those exercise styles. And if you're convinced you'll never be able to fit exercise into your busy schedule, try waking up a little earlier and getting it done first thing in the morning. This is a great way to start your morning off right and to feel strong and stress-free the rest of the day.

And here's a tip that will go a long way in helping you with your acne when exercising: always exercise without makeup and shower immediately after working out. Use mild cleanser, do not rub or squeeze your pimples, and moisturize after showering with a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer. 

Remember that moderate exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle that, for those with acne, includes treating acne from the inside.

Is Gluten Bad For Acne

We're here to set the record straight. For those that do not have a gluten allergy called celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity, products containing gluten will NOT exasperate their acne problem.  

Remember, diet does not cause acne, but exacerbates it.  To keep your body and skin healthy, a diet rich in probiotic bacteria and low in processed foods (including sugar and saturated fats) is your skin's friend, and acne’s enemy.

Why Back Acne is Hard to Get Rid Of

The skin on the back is thicker than anywhere else on the body and contains many sebaceous glands situated just below the surface of the skin. Sebaceous glands continuously produce and secrete skin oil (sebum) through the openings (pores) in the skin. When too much sebum is produced, pores and hair follicles become clogged and together with dirt and bacteria, you have a recipe for acne.

Factors that over stimulate sebaceous glands may be different including internal imbalance or hormonal fluctuations due to puberty or heavy exercise, which induces extra male hormones called androgens and affects both males and females.

Since back acne is not only hard to treat, but also hard to reach to improve the condition of back acne, back acne treatment requires more time and disciplined regimen to see improvement.

The deep inflammation on the back may lead to cysts, which are the worst form of acne and carry the possibility of permanent scarring. With back acne, if the extra sebum breaks through the skin. it causes a whitehead, and if the head of the infection becomes dark due to the skin pigment melanin, it is called a blackhead.

Back acne may be found on the back and even on the buttocks of some people. It can be a severe form when the lesions are large and painful. As with much acne, the exact cause of back acne is also not known.

It may be just a coincidence or may be caused by external irritants such as tight clothing or a heavy backpack. It is not possible to keep the area of back and buttocks untouched because we all must sit down or carry things around.

How to Eliminate Back Acne Long-Term

The most effective way to treat acne is from the inside out by preventing it from coming again and to treat the current symptoms.  With AcnEase, users show visible improvement after 6 -8 weeks. Some individuals with chronic and severe back acne may have to use AcnEase for up to three months – it doesn’t start over night, so won’t go away overnight – however, achieving the amazing results will be well worth the wait.

Wash the affected area gently with a mild cleanser and let the skin dry. A non-harsh disinfectant such as witch hazel can also be used sparingly and on a small surface. Do not rub it over the entire back. You can apply a moisturizer if needed.

Try to wear loose clothing made of material that isn’t harsh (like wool), and don’t carry a backpack for the time being!

Quick Tips for Exercise & Body Acne

If you have acne prone skin, or acne symptoms, you need to take more precautions when you exercise. Here are few quick tips for all exercise aficionados to help fighting body acne for the neck, back, chest, arms, thighs and buttocks:

  • After exercising, make sure your skin is cleaned from sweat and dirt, but avoid drying soaps and harsh agents
  • Use mild soap or moisturizing non-oily body wash
  • Do not rub the skin too harshly (micro abrasions are a great route for bacteria to get in!) - splash the skin
  • PAT when drying the skin
  • Use warm, not hot, water. Remember - if you strip your skin from too many oils, your skin will respond in producing more, not less. So keep a healthy balance.
  • Exercise without makeup
  • Drink plenty of water after you exercise
  • Use an aloe vera gel to keep your skin moist after washing

Special Compress to Calm and Smooth Your Skin

  •  Mix dried or fresh herbs:  Sage and Chamomile or Rosemary and Chamomile.
  • Make a strong tea using 2 tablespoons of dried herbs or two handfuls of fresh herbs and drop into a pint of hot water. Cover it.  Allow the tea to infuse for 30 minutes, and then strain.  Saturate a folded cotton cloth with the tea.  Ring out the excess tea, then place it over the blemished skin for 2 minutes.  Repeat several times.  The last time lay down for 10 minutes with the moist cloth on your face. Remove the cloth, and pat dry your skin; do not rub.

Body Acne Soothing Oil

For extra care, try making this soothing oil in the comfort of your own home.


  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon calendula oil
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 2 drops tea tree oil
  • drop lavender oil
  • 1 drop chamomile oil


Blend all the oils together and keep in a dark glass bottle. Massage daily  over all the body acne areas (chest, back, arms, etc.). If your skin is sensitive, dry or normal, use some witch hazel or aloe vera gel (both can be bought in drugstores and natural food stores).   You may use them alternatively - do not mix them - they both have similar antibacterial and soothing properties.  The gel contains a hormone that accelerates wound healing and has mild antiseptic and antibiotic qualities, which helps to control the bacteria on the skin surface.

Super-Rejuvenating Herbal Bath that Prevents Breakouts

This super-rejuvenating bath uses a powerful combination of herbs and essential oils that relax and sooth the nervous system, easing menta land emotional strain.  And the warm moisture derived from the mixture cleans the pores and moisturizes the skin in order to keep the skin clean and prevent breakouts.  

What to do:

Add 5-10 drops of essential oil(s) to the water.  The larger the tub, use closer to 10 drops.  The water should be warm, not hot, comfortable enough to submerge your body.  I want you to feel as much relaxation as possible, but please watch that you don't nod off or fall asleep!  Relax in the bath for 10-30 minutes depending on the time you have.  Repeat weekly. 

What you will need:

- 1 or 2 essential oils (any combination of lavender, thyme, chamomile and/or lime flowers) - bath tub full of water (not hot, warm) weekly. 

So get ready to de-stress, keep your skin looking great long-term 

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